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Educator Activities Week 2

This week in experiencing with social media’s with other teachers, I decided to make my first contribution. Although not a huge one- someone asked if there was a good website with powerpoint presentations on any given subject and I shared in the comments that I really like Smart Exchange. I am hoping that this small comment that took me less than ten seconds to write can help to make someone else’s life easier!

I have also gotten more involved in liking posts and giving kudos to people who deserve it by reacting to people’s posts with the “haha” and the heart emoji on facebook. I think just a little positivity on people’s posts can really go a long way sometimes and I try to be super conscious of this. Every time I see a post show up on my feed I have now been trying to react in some sort of way even if it’s just liking it and this makes me feel like i’m part of a community.

I really like having a place where I can feel free to ask questions without judgment from other people in my same shoes. Even teachers who have been teaching 30 years are explaining this year as their first year all over again because they have no clue how to teach remotely. This makes me feel a little bit better about myself as a new teacher and I have been trying to help the older teachers with like the technology side of things while they are helping me with the actual teaching and lesson plans side of things. This is a great one hand washes the other thing that seems to be going on because it is so awesome.

In the end I am just so happy to be part of a profession with people that are so willing to help each other and make each other feel good about themselves everyday. It really makes my heart happy

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I loved that this is the case for you: "Every time I see a post show up on my feed I have now been trying to react in some sort of way even if it’s just liking it and this makes me feel like i’m part of a community." I am really curious to see if this experience has any persistence for you.

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